Alejandro Geberovich was born in 1948 in Buenos Aires Argentine. He studied music at • The Academy of Music at the “Universidad Nacional de Cuya” in Argentine. •
Geberovich has performed with the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra, the Niederösterreichischen Tonkünstlerorchester, (Lower Austrian Music Artists’ Orchestra), the Soviet Émigre Orchestra and the Vienna Chamber Orchestra under conductors, such as, Georges Prètre and John Hopkins. He has also recorded CDs with works from Mozart, Bizet and Liszt.
Academic Research in the Field of Music Geberovich’s interest was centred on the piano music of the late 18th century. He rediscovered the composer Anton Eberl (1766-1807). The premiere of his double concert was in 1985 and he celebrated his debut abroad as conductor with his ”Symphony in Es-major in the same year. The publisher Doblinger in Vienna has printed unknown works from Eberls and Diabellis. Furthermore Geberovich discovered in an interesting source of information, a book from Ernst Wilhelm Wolf (1788), three unpublished works from Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, that he performed together with Silvia Pereyra in duet during the Vienna Festival in the Mozart Hall of the Concert House in 1981.
He composed several pieces for a varying number of pianists.
Teaching experience: He taught in the Music Academy well as in the Municipal Conservatorium in Vienna. Since 1991 he holds Master courses in the Summer Academy in Lilienfeld. The effectiveness of his teaching skills is demonstrated by the number of prizes won by his students and their very successful concerts.